Pinned101 Reasons Why: The Interview Series, Interview 3 (playful producer Duane Piedmont)In honor of graphic novel 101 REASONS WHY, Hollywood producer Duane Piedmont provides insight on the art of excuses.Jan 16, 2024Jan 16, 2024
PinnedDoggone crime 2023: a true crime dog podcast opinion piece in 2 parts — part 2This is the second part of our true crime dog-centric podcast episode countdown for 2023.Jan 7, 20241Jan 7, 20241
PinnedBumpas, the emotional support bunnyBumpas is a toy and a comfort by the co-founder of Uglydolls.Jul 3, 20232Jul 3, 20232
PinnedFun, games, and foul play: true crime and toysSpring has sprung! In similar fashion, the corporate world has sprung a leak: layoffs. Never fear: there’s always true crime as comfort!Apr 1, 2023Apr 1, 2023
GennComm’s Genna Rosenberg takes Manhattan: a warm and squishy New York Toy Fair success story“Genna Rosenberg is worth the price of admission, and maybe even the whole trip!” gushes NY Toy Fair attendee Vadim ‘Rubber Ninja’ Govorov.5d ago25d ago2
POISON GUN is Dee Freeman’s secret weapon: An interview with actor/writer Dee FreemanTrigger warning: your next true crime obsession is a solo stage show, not a podcast. Said fixation is entitled POISON GUN by Dee Freeman.Feb 22Feb 22
Autism in Entertainment gains an ally in Rob KutnerLA-based TV comedy writer and author Rob Kutner is a vocal ally of the autism community.Feb 2Feb 2
At the speed of light and shadow, cinematographer Gevorg Gev Juguryan makes wavesCinematographer Gevorg Gev Juguryan uses his talent to make waves that transport audiences.Jan 31Jan 31
DOGGONE CRIME! again: the 2024 wrangling, Part 2This is the second part of a top ten countdown of 2024 true crime dog-centric podcast episodes.Jan 71Jan 71
DOGGONE CRIME! again: the 2024 wrangling, Part 1A poodle and her human count down the best in 2024 true crime podcast episodes that star dogs.Jan 21Jan 21